January 31 - February 1, 2007, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

How to reach Bochum

To reach Bochum by plane you have the choice between 4 airports: Dortmund Airport (DTM), Düsseldorf Airport (DUS),Cologne Airport (CGN) and Frankfurt Airport (FRA). You might want to check out for cheap flights from within Europe. Dortmund Airport (30 km distance to Bochum) is a local airport with some cheap carriers and some international flights. Düsseldorf Airport (50 km distance to Bochum) has excellent train connections to Bochum and is served by more international airlines. Cologne Airport (100 km distance to Bochum) may be of interest because of many cheap international carriers. Cologne Airport has also a direct train connection. Frankfurt Airport (300 km distance to Bochum) is the biggest German airport and is served from most big cities. Public transport in the area is very good.

To reach Bochum by train you can find connections and order tickets online at Deutsche Bahn.

How to reach the Ruhr University Bochum

SASC 2007 takes place at the Ruhr University Bochum. The university is located south of the town - by subway from Bochum Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) it takes 10 minutes to get there (Ticket needed: Preisstufe A). On weekdays the subway U35 leaves every 5 minutes.

By Public Transport (Subway)

If you take the subway U35 from downtown Bochum you go in direction "HUSTADT" and leave at "RUHR-UNIVERSITÄT BOCHUM". Mount the stairs and turn right. You cross the bridge and proceed walking straight on. You cross the forum in the center of the university and pass by the Audimax. The Veranstaltungszentrum (conference hall) is part of the Mensa building. To reach the Veranstaltungszentrum, enter the Mensa building, walk straight ahead and take one of the elevators at the south end of the Mensa building. The Veranstaltungszentrum is on level 04. It takes about 5 minutes to get there from the subway station. The first day of SASC we will put pointers along the way so it shouldn't be too hard to find.

For a map of the university including this description please click here.

By Car

If you come from downtown Bochum turn off the Universitätsstr. at exit "Ruhr-Universität-Mitte". The exit has two lanes: Keep on the right lane that has a sign to "SASC 2007" and P9. (*)You pass by the parking garage of the Ruhr University. Keep on going straight until the end of the street. You are now below the Mensa building. In quick succession turn left twice. Directly after the second left turn, you find the P9 parking place on your left hand side.
Important Note: There is an entrance barrier at P9. This barrier will be operated by SASC staff from 8:15 to 9:15 on January 31 and from 8:30 to 9:15 on February 1, 2007. To reach the Conference Hall (Veranstaltungszentrum) you can use an elevator that is located nearby P9. We will put signs to "SASC 2007" so that it should not be too hard to find.

If you come from the highway A43 turn off the Universitätsstr. at exit "Ruhr-Universität-Mitte". The exit has two lanes: Keep on the left lane that has a sign to "SASC 2007". You cross below the Universitätsstrasse. Now move to the right lane and enter the Ruhr University on the rightmost lane. You are now on the same lane just like above (for further description, see (*)).

If you arrive late please try to find a parking place on your own, e.g., at the G.-Südstr. or at the N.-Südstr.. (Be careful, do not make the second left turn as described above, otherwise you have to exit the Ruhr University and have to try again.)

For a map of the university including this description please click here.

Other parking facilities can be found at .
A roadmap to the Ruhr University Bochum can be found at

How to reach Park Inn Hotel

The Park Inn Hotel is located next to the Hauptbahnhof (Central Station, Hbf). Exit the Hauptbahnhof through the main entrance with signs directing to the city center. If you are in front of the station you can see the Park Inn Hotel (the building with two towers) on your right hand side. Walk straight ahead and cross the street in front of you. Then you directly turn right and walk a few meters straight ahead.

For a city map please see this website (The blue cross shows the Park Inn Hotel).