Path:!not-for-mail From: (D. J. Bernstein) Message-ID: <> Date: 11 May 1998 07:12:30 GMT Newsgroups:,,comp.mail.misc,comp.mail.sendmail Subject: *.net mail exchanger survey Organization: IR I looked up the mail exchangers for the public *.net domains found in the 9707 Network Wizards DNS walk. The resulting list included 20310 different IP addresses. Between 1998-05-11 03:10 TAI and 1998-05-11 04:05 TAI, I connected to each of the 20310 addresses at the SMTP port, sent HELP, and recorded the response. Some of the connection attempts did not produce a greeting message. There were 18441 successful connections. I fed the responses through a script that guesses what SMTP software is running on each host. Here are the reasons for connection failures: 741 timed out 651 connection refused 303 host unreachable 111 network unreachable 63 immediate disconnect Here are the server software tallies: 11583 sendmail 1102 Post.Office 778 IMail 638 MS Exchange 566 NT Mail 552 qmail 511 Netscape Messaging Server, formerly Netscape Mail Server 454 not sure 277 Eudora Internet Mail Server, formerly AIMS, formerly MailShare 211 Zmailer 189 IMS SMTP Receiver 179 Smail 158 smap 138 Exim 136 MetaInfo Sendmail, port of sendmail to NT 104 MailSite SMTP Receiver 79 Lotus SMTP MTA 75 Microsoft SMTP MAIL 68 MDaemon 51 SLmail 51 IPAD 50 MMDF 39 Worldmail 39 Raptor firewall 35 Major BBS 30 Worldgroup SMTP server 28 PP 28 GroupWise 27 PMDF 27 MERCUR 26 unknown (requires recognizable SMTP) 26 AltaVista Mail 23 Stalker 21 Groupwise Internet Agent 18 Connect2-SMTP 15 Mercury 14 AltaVista firewall 8 unknown (Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready) 8 VOPMail 8 VMS MX 8 CheckPoint firewall 7 IMA SMTP 6 NASTA Gate 6 FirstClass 6 EMWAC SMTP Receiver 5 NPlex 4 Fwmail 4 CommuniGate SMTP 3 SMTP-OpenVMS 3 Mail*Link 3 ListSTAR 3 CISCO MultiNet, formerly TGV/MultiNet 2 VMailer 2 TFS Gateway 2 Raptor proxy 2 MSMail SMTP gateway 2 AS/400 SMTP 1 unknown (Help ... Not recognized) 1 IBM VM SMTP 1 Eureka! Gold Internet Server The patterns used by the script, expressed in awk format, are shown below. Corrections and additions are welcome. ---Dan /Sorry, you are not authorized to make this connection/ Raptor proxy /Sorry, unable to contact destination SMTP daemon/ Raptor proxy /MERCUR SMTP-Server .v.* for Windows NT ready at/ MERCUR /MERCUR SMTP-Server .v.* for Windows 95 ready at/ MERCUR /forging of mail requires recognizable SMTP/ unknown (requires recognizable SMTP) /MDaemon .* Help system currently inactive/ MDaemon /Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Connector/ MS Exchange /Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service/ MS Exchange /CheckPoint FireWall-1 secure SMTP server/ CheckPoint firewall /Stalker Internet Mail Server .*is ready/ Stalker /NT Server running Internet Shopper/ NT Mail /Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready/ unknown (Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready) / qmail /send comments to qmail /Mercury 1\... ESMTP server ready/ Mercury /Mercury 1\... SMTP server ready/ Mercury /PC.TCP SMTPSRV by FTP Software/ PC/TCP SMTPSRV /VOPMail SMTP Receiver Version / VOPMail /Running on The Major BBS with / Major BBS / ESMTP .IPAD 2....... ready at/ IPAD /CommuniGate SMTPGate is ready/ CommuniGate SMTP /bugs to The Wollongong Group/ Wollongong SMTP /Microsoft SMTP MAIL ready at/ Microsoft SMTP MAIL /Eureka! Gold Internet Server/ Eureka! Gold Internet Server /Eudora Internet Mail Server/ Eudora Internet Mail Server, formerly AIMS, formerly MailShare / ESMTP .IPAD 2.... ready at/ IPAD /Apple Internet Mail Server/ Eudora Internet Mail Server, formerly AIMS, formerly MailShare / GroupWise Internet Agent / Groupwise Internet Agent / ESMTP .IPAD 2... ready at/ IPAD / ESMTP .IPAD 1... ready at/ IPAD /Ready for business. iSMTP/ iSMTP / E-mail system/ Post.Office /Mercury SMTP server ready/ Mercury /CommuniGate SMTP is ready/ CommuniGate SMTP /Netscape Messaging Server/ Netscape Messaging Server, formerly Netscape Mail Server /ESMTP Service .Worldmail / Worldmail /ESMTP Service .WorldMail / Worldmail /TGV.MultiNet SMTP server/ CISCO MultiNet, formerly TGV/MultiNet /running IBM AS.400 SMTP/ AS/400 SMTP /Mail.Link SMTP Package/ Mail*Link /FirstClass Mail Server / FirstClass /This is Fwmail version / Fwmail /NetManage SMTP service/ NetManage SMTP service /MailSite SMTP Receiver/ MailSite SMTP Receiver /Worldgroup SMTP server/ Worldgroup SMTP server /Duhmail..Black Hole v/ sendmail # * /ESMTP Service .NPlex / NPlex /Generic SMTP handler/ Raptor firewall /Netscape Mail Server/ Netscape Messaging Server, formerly Netscape Mail Server / SMTP Server SLmail / SLmail /EMWAC SMTP Receiver/ EMWAC SMTP Receiver /GroupWise SMTP.MIME/ GroupWise /MetaInfo Sendmail/ MetaInfo Sendmail, port of sendmail to NT /IMS SMTP Receiver/ IMS SMTP Receiver /running MailShare/ Eudora Internet Mail Server, formerly AIMS, formerly MailShare /ListSTAR Package/ ListSTAR /TGV MultiNet V/ CISCO MultiNet, formerly TGV/MultiNet /AltaVista Mail/ AltaVista Mail /MindWire-SMTP / MindWire-SMTP /Lotus SMTP MTA/ Lotus SMTP MTA /MX V.\..-. VAX/ VMS MX /\(PMDF#..... V/ PMDF /ESMTP VMailer/ VMailer / v/ Post.Office /Connect2-SMTP/ Connect2-SMTP / SMTP \(PMDF / PMDF /MX V.\.. VAX/ VMS MX /TFS Gateway / TFS Gateway /MX V.\.. AXP/ VMS MX /Zachariassen/ Zmailer /Pony Express/ Pony Express /SMTP.OpenVMS/ SMTP-OpenVMS / Smail ready/ Smail /IBM VM SMTP/ IBM VM SMTP / IMA SMTP / IMA SMTP /NASTA Gate/ NASTA Gate /SMTP.smap/ smap /Smail-3.2/ Smail /Smail 3.1/ Smail /smail 3.1/ Smail /Smail3.2/ Smail /Smail3.1/ Smail /SLmail95/ SLmail /SLmailNT/ SLmail /SLMAILNT/ SLmail /Sendmail/ sendmail /PMDF V/ PMDF /SMTPXD/ AltaVista firewall /IMail/ IMail /Exim/ Exim /UCX / UCX /[pP][pP].*Pleased to meet you/ PP /Help \.\.\. Not recognized/ unknown (Help ... Not recognized) /HELP \.\.\. Not recognized/ unknown (Help ... Not recognized) /For more info use .HELP/ sendmail /unimplemented..#5.5.1/ qmail / All set, fire away/ MSMail SMTP gateway /Complaints.bugs to/ MMDF