edited by DJB, 930722, for the public record [address] 14 July 1993 ATTN: A. A. Henderson 201 13th Street Suite 105 Oakland, CA 94612 Dear Mr. Henderson: Let me express my sincere gratitude to you and to Congressman Dellums for your letter of 24 May to Richard A. Clarke of the State Department. I am pleased to report that, in a letter dated 27 May and postmarked 1 June, Clyde Bryant responded to my letters from March and April. Unfortunately he did not answer a single one of my questions, but I sent a followup letter on 30 June to William Robinson, who did respond in a timely fashion to some of my questions. Please note that the State Department is engaging in unconstitutional censorship of material which I privately developed and which I wish to publish. What you are witnessing is a battle over the First Amendment. I believe that Mr. Bryant was reluctant to respond to my questions because he knows that his office is acting in violation of the Bill of Rights. Both Mr. Bryant and Mr. Robinson failed to answer this question: ``Does ITAR exert prior restraint on otherwise lawful publication?'' Enclosed for your records are copies of the letters I sent in March and April, a copy of Mr. Bryant's response, a copy of my followup letter, and an unofficial copy of Mr. Robinson's response. (As I am currently on vacation I have not seen the original of Mr. Robinson's response, but he also faxed it to me, and I have enclosed a copy of the fax.) Thank you again for your help. Sincerely, Daniel J. Bernstein