A good text book on arithmetic surfaces is: Qing Liu, Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves. Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics 6, Oxford Science Publications 2002 A good text book on Riemann surfaces is: Otto Forster, Lectures on Riemann surfaces, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 81, Springer-Verlag New York Berlin 1993 For those who want to get deeper into the subject matter of the lectures: Serge Lang, Introduction to Arakelov theory, Springer-Verlag New York Berlin 1988 Laurent Moret-Bailly, Hauteurs et classes de Chern sur les surfaces arithme'tiques. In: Se'minaire sur les pinceaux des courbes elliptiques, Aste'risque 183 (1990), 37--58. A.N. Parshin, The Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau inequality for arithmetic surfaces and its applications. In: Se'minaire de The'orie des nombres, Paris 1986-87. Progress in Mathematics 75, Birkhauser Verlag 1989. Gerd Faltings, Calculus on arithmetic surfaces, Ann. of Math. 119 (1984), 387--424. P. Vojta, Diophantine inequalities and Arakelov theory. Appendix to Serge Lang's book mentioned above. I will try to discuss the subject matter of these texts with emphasis on "explicit examples" involving for instance elliptic curves.