Fast Software Encryption 2005February 21-23 ENSTA, Paris, France
For your convenience, we have made block bookings in three hotels—listed below—located
near the conference venue, namely at 5/7 minutes walking distance.
You are kindly requested to make your own reservation directly with the hotel.
Please note that the information given below is susceptible to change: please check
with hotels directly.
We strongly recommend to book a room as early as possible since Paris is a busy place !!!
Note that after the indicated deadlines, room availability is not guaranteed.
Hotel Sofitel ****
Address: | | 8 rue Louis Armand 75015 Paris XV |
Single/Double: | | 178/178€ |
Phone: | | (+33)1/40 60 33 44 |
Fax: | | (+33)1/40 60 30 10 |
Mail: | | H0572-RE1@accor.com |
Web: | | www site |
You can apply for this discount rate until 05.02.2005
with reservation code FSE2005.
Send this form by fax or e-mail.
Hotel Mercure ***
You can apply for this discount rate until 14.01.2005 with reservation code FSE2005.
Breakfast included. Send this form by fax or e-mail.
Hotel Median ***
Address: | | 1 bd Victor 75015 Paris XV |
Single/Double: | | 106/122€ |
Phone: | | (+33)1/40 60 16 16 |
Fax: | | (+33)1/40 60 03 40 |
You can apply for this standard rate until 14.01.2005 with reservation code FSE2005.
Other Hotels
Here is a list of several additional hotels—you may also start
If you search by yourself, you may also want to look at hotels located along the subway lines 8 or 12
as these are most convenient to reach stations Balard and Porte de Versailles which are near from the conference
HILTON **** |
18, avenue de Suffren |
75015 PARIS |
Single/Double: 180/?€ |
Tel: +331 45 67 89 07 |
Fax: +331 47 83 62 66 |
Web: www site |
ABACA *** |
330, rue de Vaugirard |
75015 PARIS |
Single/Double: 104/119€ |
Tel: +331 48 28 03 74 |
Fax: +331 48 28 75 17 |
Web: www site |
22, rue Boulard |
75014 Paris |
Single/Double: 45/45€ |
Tel: +331 43 21 08 20 |
Fax: +331 43 21 08 21 |