-rw-r--r-- 1345 leangoppa-20230726/Goppadecoding/sq.lean raw
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Squarefree
open Polynomial
namespace Goppadecoding
section lemmas_sq
theorem mul_sq {R: Type _} [CommMonoid R] (a b: R):
(a*b)^2 = a^2*b^2 := mul_pow a b 2
theorem div_sq {R: Type _} [DivisionCommMonoid R] (a b: R):
(a/b)^2 = a^2/b^2 := div_pow a b 2
theorem div_sq_self_eq_recip {k: Type _} [Field k] (r: k): r / r^2 = 1 / r :=
by_cases r0: r = 0
. rw[r0,zero_pow,div_zero,div_zero]
exact Nat.succ_pos 1
have rrnonzero: r*r ≠ 0 := mul_ne_zero r0 r0
apply eq_one_div_of_mul_eq_one_right
exact div_self rrnonzero
theorem div_sq_mul_mul {k: Type _} [Field k] (a b c: k): a / b^2 * (b*c) = a / b * c :=
by calc
_ = a * c * (b / b^2) := by group
_ = a * c * (1 / b) := by rw[div_sq_self_eq_recip b]
_ = a / b * c := by group
theorem squarefree_dvd_square {k: Type _} [Field k] (g q: k[X]):
Squarefree g → g ∣ q^2 → g ∣ q := by
intro sqfree
have twone0: 2 ≠ 0 := by norm_num
exact (UniqueFactorizationMonoid.dvd_pow_iff_dvd_of_squarefree sqfree twone0).mp
theorem squarefree_dvd_square_2 {k: Type _} [Field k] (g q: k[X]):
Squarefree g → g ∣ q^2 → g^2 ∣ q^2 := by
intro sqfree gq2
have gq: g ∣ q := squarefree_dvd_square g q sqfree gq2
exact pow_dvd_pow_of_dvd gq 2
end lemmas_sq