import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic import Mathlib.Tactic namespace Goppadecoding section lemmas_nat theorem sub_one_lt_if_one_le {n: ℕ} (n1: 1 ≤ n) : (n-1:ℕ) < n := by apply Nat.sub_lt_of_pos_le 1 n simp only exact n1 theorem dbl_sub_one_add_one_eq_dbl_if_one_le {n: ℕ} (n1: 1 ≤ n) : (2*n-1:ℕ)+1 = 2*n := by apply tsub_add_cancel_of_le calc 1 ≤ 2*1 := by norm_num _ ≤ 2*n := Nat.mul_le_mul_left 2 n1 theorem sub_one_add_eq_dbl_sub_one {n: ℕ} : (n-1:ℕ)+n = (2*n-1:ℕ) := by by_cases n0: n = 0 . rw[n0] have n1: 1 ≤ n := Nat.one_le_iff_ne_zero.mpr n0 calc _ = (n+n-1:ℕ) := tsub_add_eq_add_tsub n1 _ = (2*n-1:ℕ) := by rw[Nat.two_mul] theorem ge_1_if_odd {n: ℕ}: Odd n → 1 ≤ n := by contrapose intro n1 simp only [not_le, Nat.lt_one_iff] at n1 rw[n1] norm_num theorem eq_if_bounded_bounded_eqflip {d i j: ℕ}: i < d → j < d → d-1-i = d-1-j → i = j := by intro id jd d1id1j have id1: i ≤ d-1 := Nat.le_pred_of_lt id have jd1: j ≤ d-1 := Nat.le_pred_of_lt jd have ix: d-1-(d-1-i) = i := Nat.sub_sub_self id1 have jx: d-1-(d-1-j) = j := Nat.sub_sub_self jd1 simp_all only theorem half_times_2_eq_not_even_1 (n: ℕ): ¬Even n → ((n-1) / 2) * 2 = n-1 := by intro odd rw[Nat.even_iff_not_odd] at odd simp only[not_not] at odd have nge1: 1 ≤ n := ge_1_if_odd odd have even1: Even (n-1) := by rw[Nat.even_sub' nge1] simp only[odd] apply Nat.div_two_mul_two_of_even even1 theorem fin_nat_sub_eq_sub {m: ℕ} {n: ℕ} [NeZero n] {x: Fin n} (mx: m ≤ (x:ℕ)): (((x:ℕ)-m:ℕ): Fin n) = x-m := by let y:ℕ := (x:ℕ) - m have ym: y+m = (x:ℕ) := Nat.sub_add_cancel mx have xym: (x:ℕ) = y+m := Eq.symm ym have xx: x = (x:ℕ) := Eq.symm (Fin.cast_val_eq_self x) rw[xym,xx,xym] simp only [ge_iff_le, add_le_iff_nonpos_left, nonpos_iff_eq_zero, tsub_eq_zero_iff_le, add_tsub_cancel_right, Nat.cast_add, add_sub_cancel] theorem le_add_self_if_le {x y: WithBot ℕ}: 0 ≤ x → y ≤ x+y := by apply le_add_of_nonneg_left theorem lt_if_nat_add_lt {y z: WithBot ℕ} {x: ℕ}: x+y < z → y < z := by intro xyz have x0: 0 ≤ (x:WithBot ℕ) := Nat.WithBot.coe_nonneg have yxy: y ≤ x+y := le_add_self_if_le x0 exact lt_of_le_of_lt yxy xyz theorem add_left_nat_lt_if_lt (x: ℕ) {y z: WithBot ℕ}: y < z → x+y < x+z := by intro yz have znotbot: z ≠ ⊥ := ne_bot_of_gt yz have znat: z.unbot znotbot = z := z.coe_unbot znotbot have xz: (x+(z.unbot znotbot):ℕ) = x+z := Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.inv_add rfl znat rw[← xz] by_cases ybot: y = ⊥ . rw[ybot,WithBot.add_bot] apply WithBot.bot_lt_coe have ynotbot: y ≠ ⊥ := ybot have ynat: y.unbot ynotbot = y := y.coe_unbot ynotbot have xy: (x+(y.unbot ynotbot):ℕ) = x+y := Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.inv_add rfl ynat have yz2: (y.unbot ynotbot:WithBot ℕ) < z.unbot znotbot := by rw[ynat,znat] exact yz have yz3: y.unbot ynotbot < z.unbot znotbot := yz2 rw[← xy] norm_cast exact Nat.add_lt_add_left yz3 x theorem le_sub_one_if_one_le_and_add_one_le {x: WithBot ℕ} {y: ℕ} (y1: 1 ≤ y) (x1y: x+1 ≤ y) : x ≤ (y-1:ℕ) := by by_cases xbot: x = ⊥ . rw[xbot] exact bot_le let n := x.unbot xbot have nx: n = x := x.coe_unbot xbot rw[← nx] norm_cast apply (le_tsub_iff_right y1).mpr rw[← nx] at x1y norm_cast at x1y end lemmas_nat