-rw-r--r-- 9274 leangoppa-20230726/Goppadecoding/goppa_parity.lean raw
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Basic
import Goppadecoding.nat
import Goppadecoding.zero
import Goppadecoding.poly
import Goppadecoding.vanishing
import Goppadecoding.interpolator
open Polynomial BigOperators Finset
namespace Goppadecoding
section goppa_parity
variable {U: Type _} [DecidableEq U]
variable {k: Type _} [Field k] [DecidableEq k]
theorem goppa_parity_lemma (α f: U → k) (S: Finset U) (d: ℕ)
: X^d * (∑ s in S, C (f s) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s)
- (∑ s in S, C (f s * (α s)^d) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s)
= monic_vanishing_at α S * ∑ s in S, ∑ j in range d, C (f s * (α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j) :=
have inner1: ∀ s, s ∈ S →
(X^d * (C (f s) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s) - C ((f s * (α s)^d)) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s)
= (monic_vanishing_at α S) * ((∑ j in range d, C ((α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j)) * C (f s)) :=
intro s sinS
_ = (X^d - C ((α s)^d)) * C (f s) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s := by rw[sub_mul,C_mul]; ring_nf
_ = (X - C (α s)) * (∑ j in range d, C ((α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j)) * C (f s) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s := by rw[mul_neg_geom_sum2_X_C d (α s)]
_ = (monic_vanishing_at_except α S s * (X - C (α s))) * ((∑ j in range d, C ((α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j)) * C (f s)) := by ring
_ = (monic_vanishing_at α S) * ((∑ j in range d, C ((α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j)) * C (f s)) := by rw[monic_vanishing_at_except_filter α S s sinS]
have inner2: ∀ s j,
(C ((α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j)) * C (f s) = C (f s * (α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j) :=
intro s j
have inner3: ∀ s,
(∑ j in range d, C ((α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j)) * C (f s)
= ∑ j in range d, C (f s * (α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j) :=
intro s
apply sum_congr
simp only
intro j _
rw[inner2 s j]
_ = X^d * (∑ s in S, C (f s) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s) - (∑ s in S, C ((f s * (α s)^d)) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s) := rfl
_ = (∑ s in S, X^d * (C (f s) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s)) - (∑ s in S, C ((f s * (α s)^d)) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s) := by rw[mul_sum]
_ = ∑ s in S, (X^d * (C (f s) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s) - C ((f s * (α s)^d)) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s) := by rw[sum_sub_distrib]
_ = ∑ s in S, (monic_vanishing_at α S) * ((∑ j in range d, C ((α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j)) * C (f s)) := by
apply sum_congr
simp only
intro s sinS
rw[inner1 s sinS]
_ = (monic_vanishing_at α S) * ∑ s in S, (∑ j in range d, C ((α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j)) * C (f s) := by rw[mul_sum]
_ = (monic_vanishing_at α S) * ∑ s in S, ∑ j in range d, C (f s * (α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j) := by
apply congr_arg
apply sum_congr
simp only
intro s _
rw[inner3 s]
theorem goppa_parity_lemma2 {α f: U → k} {S: Finset U} {d: ℕ}
: X^d * (∑ s in S, C (f s) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s)
- (∑ s in S, C (f s * (α s)^d) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s)
= monic_vanishing_at α S * ∑ j in range d, C (∑ s in S, f s * (α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j) :=
by calc
_ = monic_vanishing_at α S * ∑ s in S, ∑ j in range d, C (f s * (α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j) := by
_ = monic_vanishing_at α S * ∑ j in range d, ∑ s in S, C (f s * (α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j) := by
_ = monic_vanishing_at α S * ∑ j in range d, C (∑ s in S, f s * (α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j) := by
apply congr_arg
apply sum_congr; simp only; intro j _
rw[map_sum C,sum_mul]
theorem goppa_parity
{α c: U → k} {S: Finset U} {A G: k[X]} {d: ℕ}
(injective: Set.InjOn α S)
(Adef: A = monic_vanishing_at α S)
(Gdeg: G.degree = d)
(GA: IsCoprime G A)
: (G ∣ ∑ s in S, C (c s) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s
↔ ∀ j, j < d → ∑ s in S, (c s / G.eval (α s)) * (α s)^j = 0
) :=
have Adeg: A.degree = S.card := by calc
_ = (monic_vanishing_at α S).degree := by rw[Adef]
_ = S.card := degree_monic_vanishing_at α S
have AG: IsCoprime A G := isCoprime_comm.mpr GA
let Z := ∑ s in S, C (c s) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s
let B := ∑ s in S, C (c s / G.eval (α s)) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s
let Q := ∑ s in S, C ((c s / G.eval (α s)) * (α s)^d) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s
have XdBQA: X^d*B-Q = A * ∑ j in range d, C (∑ s in S, (c s / G.eval (α s)) * (α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j) := by rw[goppa_parity_lemma2,Adef]
have Zinterp: Z = interpolator α S (fun s ↦ c s * A.diff.eval (α s)) := sum_C_mul_monic_vanishing_at_except_eq_interpolator _ injective Adef
have Binterp: B = interpolator α S (fun s ↦ (c s / G.eval (α s)) * A.diff.eval (α s)) := sum_C_mul_monic_vanishing_at_except_eq_interpolator _ injective Adef
have Qinterp: Q = interpolator α S (fun s ↦ ((c s / G.eval (α s)) * (α s)^d) * A.diff.eval (α s)) := sum_C_mul_monic_vanishing_at_except_eq_interpolator _ injective Adef
have Zdeg: Z.degree < A.degree := by rw[Zinterp,Adeg]; apply degree_interpolator_lt
have Bdeg: B.degree < A.degree := by rw[Binterp,Adeg]; apply degree_interpolator_lt
have Qdeg: Q.degree < A.degree := by rw[Qinterp,Adeg]; apply degree_interpolator_lt
have AZGB: A ∣ Z-G*B := by
have Zeval: ∀ s, s ∈ S → Z.eval (α s) = c s * A.diff.eval (α s) := by intro s sinS; rw[Zinterp,interpolator_eval injective sinS]
have Beval: ∀ s, s ∈ S → B.eval (α s) = (c s / G.eval (α s)) * A.diff.eval (α s) := by intro s sinS; rw[Binterp,interpolator_eval injective sinS]
have ZGBeval: ∀ s, s ∈ S → Z.eval (α s) = G.eval (α s) * B.eval (α s) := by
intro s sinS
have Aeval: A.eval (α s) = 0 := by rw[Adef]; exact monic_vanishing_at_vanishes α S sinS
have Gnonzero: G.eval (α s) ≠ 0 := no_shared_root_if_coprime AG Aeval
have cGG: G.eval (α s) * (c s / G.eval (α s)) = c s := mul_div_cancel' (c s) Gnonzero
rw[Zeval s sinS,Beval s sinS,← mul_assoc,cGG]
have ZGBeval2: ∀ s, s ∈ S → (Z-G*B).eval (α s) = 0 := by
intro s sinS
_ = Z.eval (α s) - G.eval (α s) * B.eval (α s) := by rw[eval_sub,eval_mul]
_ = 0 := by rw[ZGBeval s sinS]; group
exact monic_vanishing_at_divides S (Z-G*B) injective ZGBeval2
. intro GdivZ j jd
have GdivZcopy: G ∣ ∑ s in S, C (c s) * monic_vanishing_at_except α S s := GdivZ
cases GdivZcopy with | intro ZG GZG =>
have dZGdeg: d + ZG.degree < A.degree := by calc
_ = G.degree + ZG.degree := by rw[Gdeg]
_ = (G*ZG).degree := by rw[degree_mul]
_ = Z.degree := by rw[← GZG]
_ < A.degree := Zdeg
have BZG: B = ZG := by
have AZGB2: A ∣ ZG-B := by
have AZZGB: A ∣ G*(ZG-B) := by rw[mul_sub,← GZG]; exact AZGB
exact dvd_if_dvd_mul_left AG AZZGB
have ZGBdeg: (ZG-B).degree < A.degree := by
have ZGdeg: ZG.degree < A.degree := lt_if_nat_add_lt dZGdeg
_ ≤ max ZG.degree B.degree := degree_sub_le ZG B
_ < A.degree := max_lt ZGdeg Bdeg
have ZGB0: ZG-B = 0 := eq_zero_of_dvd_of_degree_lt AZGB2 ZGBdeg
exact Eq.symm (eq_if_sub_zero ZGB0)
have XdBQdeg: ((X:k[X])^d*B-Q).degree < A.degree := by
have dBdeg: d + B.degree < A.degree := by rw[BZG]; exact dZGdeg
have XdBdeg: ((X:k[X])^d*B).degree < A.degree := by calc
_ = ((X:k[X])^d).degree + B.degree := degree_mul
_ = d + B.degree := by rw[degree_pow,degree_X,nsmul_eq_mul,mul_one]
_ < A.degree := dBdeg
_ ≤ max ((X:k[X])^d*B).degree Q.degree := degree_sub_le (X^d*B) Q
_ < A.degree := max_lt XdBdeg Qdeg
have sum0: ∑ j in range d, C (∑ s in S, (c s / G.eval (α s)) * (α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j) = 0 := by
have XdBQA2: A ∣ X^d*B-Q := by
apply Dvd.intro (∑ j in range d, C (∑ s in S, (c s / G.eval (α s)) * (α s)^j) * X^(d-1-j))
have XdBQ0: X^d*B-Q = 0 := eq_zero_of_dvd_of_degree_lt XdBQA2 XdBQdeg
have Anonzero: A ≠ 0 := by rw[Adef]; exact monic_vanishing_at_nonzero α S
rw[XdBQ0] at XdBQA
apply zero_if_mul_left_zero Anonzero (Eq.symm XdBQA)
exact zero_coeff_of_zero_poly_as_sum sum0 j jd
intro zerocoeff
have XdBQ: X^d*B = Q := by
have XdBQ0: X^d*B-Q = 0 := by
rw[mul_eq_zero]; right
apply sum_eq_zero
intro j jd
rw[mem_range] at jd
rw[mul_eq_zero]; left
exact jd
exact eq_if_sub_zero XdBQ0
have GBdeg: (G*B).degree < A.degree := by calc
_ = G.degree + B.degree := by rw[degree_mul]
_ = d + B.degree := by rw[Gdeg]
_ = ((X:k[X])^d).degree + B.degree := by rw[degree_pow,degree_X,nsmul_eq_mul,mul_one]
_ = (X^d*B).degree := by rw[degree_mul]
_ = Q.degree := by rw[XdBQ]
_ < A.degree := Qdeg
have ZGB: Z = G*B := by
have ZGBdeg: (Z-G*B).degree < A.degree := by calc
_ ≤ max Z.degree (G*B).degree := degree_sub_le Z (G*B)
_ < A.degree := max_lt Zdeg GBdeg
have ZGB0: Z-G*B = 0 := eq_zero_of_dvd_of_degree_lt AZGB ZGBdeg
exact eq_if_sub_zero ZGB0
apply Dvd.intro B
rw[← ZGB]
end goppa_parity