#!/bin/sh exec magnifypdf "$1" 1.2 40.653 112.542 # voffset base 72pt # topmargin 22.215pt # headheight 8.0pt # headsep 14.0pt # so top starts at 116.215pt # i.e. 675.785pt from bottom of 11in paper # mag -> 810.942pt from bottom # textheight 42pc = 504pt # so bottom starts at 620.215pt # i.e. 171.785pt from bottom of 11in paper # mag -> 206.142pt from bottom # move 112.542pt down to center mag # hoffset base 72pt # margin 54.8775pt # so left starts at 126.8775pt # mag -> 152.253pt # textwidth 27pc = 324pt # so right starts at 450.87753pt # mag -> 541.053pt # move 40.653pt left to center mag