/** * @file sync.c MSN list synchronization functions * * gaim * * Gaim is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous * to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this * source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "msn.h" #include "sync.h" #include "state.h" static MsnTable *cbs_table; static void blp_cmd(MsnCmdProc *cmdproc, MsnCommand *cmd) { GaimConnection *gc = cmdproc->session->account->gc; const char *list_name; list_name = cmd->params[0]; if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(list_name, "AL")) { /* * If the current setting is AL, messages from users who * are not in BL will be delivered. * * In other words, deny some. */ gc->account->perm_deny = GAIM_PRIVACY_DENY_USERS; } else { /* If the current setting is BL, only messages from people * who are in the AL will be delivered. * * In other words, permit some. */ gc->account->perm_deny = GAIM_PRIVACY_ALLOW_USERS; } } static void prp_cmd(MsnCmdProc *cmdproc, MsnCommand *cmd) { MsnSession *session = cmdproc->session; const char *type, *value; type = cmd->params[0]; value = cmd->params[1]; if (cmd->param_count == 2) { if (!strcmp(type, "PHH")) msn_user_set_home_phone(session->user, gaim_url_decode(value)); else if (!strcmp(type, "PHW")) msn_user_set_work_phone(session->user, gaim_url_decode(value)); else if (!strcmp(type, "PHM")) msn_user_set_mobile_phone(session->user, gaim_url_decode(value)); } else { if (!strcmp(type, "PHH")) msn_user_set_home_phone(session->user, NULL); else if (!strcmp(type, "PHW")) msn_user_set_work_phone(session->user, NULL); else if (!strcmp(type, "PHM")) msn_user_set_mobile_phone(session->user, NULL); } } static void lsg_cmd(MsnCmdProc *cmdproc, MsnCommand *cmd) { MsnSession *session = cmdproc->session; MsnGroup *group; GaimGroup *g; const char *name; int group_id; group_id = atoi(cmd->params[0]); name = gaim_url_decode(cmd->params[1]); group = msn_group_new(session->userlist, group_id, name); if ((g = gaim_find_group(name)) == NULL) { g = gaim_group_new(name); gaim_blist_add_group(g, NULL); } } static void lst_cmd(MsnCmdProc *cmdproc, MsnCommand *cmd) { MsnSession *session = cmdproc->session; GaimAccount *account = session->account; GaimConnection *gc = gaim_account_get_connection(account); char *passport = NULL; const char *friend = NULL; int list_op; MsnUser *user; passport = cmd->params[0]; friend = gaim_url_decode(cmd->params[1]); list_op = atoi(cmd->params[2]); #if 0 gaim_debug_misc("msn", "Got list op = %d\n", list_op); gaim_debug_misc("msn", "FL = %d\n", (list_op & MSN_LIST_FL_OP)); gaim_debug_misc("msn", "AL = %d\n", (list_op & MSN_LIST_AL_OP)); gaim_debug_misc("msn", "BL = %d\n", (list_op & MSN_LIST_BL_OP)); gaim_debug_misc("msn", "RL = %d\n", (list_op & MSN_LIST_RL_OP)); #endif user = msn_user_new(session->userlist, passport, friend); msn_userlist_add_user(session->userlist, user); session->sync->last_user = user; /* TODO: This can be improved */ if (list_op & MSN_LIST_FL_OP) { char **c; char **tokens; const char *group_nums; GSList *group_ids; group_nums = cmd->params[3]; group_ids = NULL; tokens = g_strsplit(group_nums, ",", -1); for (c = tokens; *c != NULL; c++) { int id; id = atoi(*c); group_ids = g_slist_append(group_ids, GINT_TO_POINTER(id)); } g_strfreev(tokens); msn_got_lst_user(session, user, list_op, group_ids); g_slist_free(group_ids); } else { msn_got_lst_user(session, user, list_op, NULL); } session->sync->num_users++; if (session->sync->num_users == session->sync->total_users) { cmdproc->cbs_table = session->sync->old_cbs_table; msn_user_set_buddy_icon(session->user, gaim_account_get_buddy_icon(session->account)); msn_change_status(session, MSN_ONLINE); gaim_connection_set_state(gc, GAIM_CONNECTED); session->logged_in = TRUE; serv_finish_login(gc); msn_sync_destroy(session->sync); session->sync = NULL; } } static void bpr_cmd(MsnCmdProc *cmdproc, MsnCommand *cmd) { MsnSync *sync = cmdproc->session->sync; const char *type, *value; MsnUser *user; user = sync->last_user; type = cmd->params[0]; value = cmd->params[1]; if (value) { if (!strcmp(type, "MOB")) { if (!strcmp(value, "Y")) user->mobile = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp(type, "PHH")) msn_user_set_home_phone(user, gaim_url_decode(value)); else if (!strcmp(type, "PHW")) msn_user_set_work_phone(user, gaim_url_decode(value)); else if (!strcmp(type, "PHM")) msn_user_set_mobile_phone(user, gaim_url_decode(value)); } } void msn_sync_init(void) { /* TODO: check prp, blp, bpr */ cbs_table = msn_table_new(); /* Syncing */ msn_table_add_cmd(cbs_table, NULL, "GTC", NULL); msn_table_add_cmd(cbs_table, NULL, "BLP", blp_cmd); msn_table_add_cmd(cbs_table, NULL, "PRP", prp_cmd); msn_table_add_cmd(cbs_table, NULL, "LSG", lsg_cmd); msn_table_add_cmd(cbs_table, NULL, "LST", lst_cmd); msn_table_add_cmd(cbs_table, NULL, "BPR", bpr_cmd); } void msn_sync_end(void) { msn_table_destroy(cbs_table); } MsnSync * msn_sync_new(MsnSession *session) { MsnSync *sync; sync = g_new0(MsnSync, 1); sync->session = session; sync->cbs_table = cbs_table; return sync; } void msn_sync_destroy(MsnSync *sync) { g_free(sync); }