Abbreviating the stream-cipher discussions D. J. Bernstein 2005.06.14 ECRYPT's Call for Stream Cipher Primitives has produced an astonishingly large pool of submissions: 41 stream ciphers from 97 people. With tongue planted only partly in cheek, I propose the following abbreviations for some common criticisms (X*) and responses (Y*) that we're likely to hear repeatedly in the ensuing discussions. XBig: ``This cipher does a huge amount of work per byte. It is too slow for most applications.'' YBig: ``Speed is irrelevant for most applications. What we care about is security.'' XKeySetup: ``This cipher takes a long time to load a key. It is too slow for applications where the average amount of data per key is small.'' YKeySetup: ``Most applications send a huge amount of data per key. We don't care about short-term keys.'' XNonceSetup: ``This cipher takes a long time to load a nonce. It is too slow for applications where the average message length is short.'' YNonceSetup: ``Most applications send very long messages. We don't care about short messages.'' XSBox: ``This cipher relies heavily on variable-index table lookups. It is too slow for applications that need to resist timing attacks.'' YSBox: ``Most applications don't need to resist timing attacks. We're taking advantage of memory as an extremely fast mixer.'' XMult: ``This cipher relies heavily on multiplications. It is too slow for applications that use dedicated hardware.'' YMult: ``Dedicated hardware is a tiny part of the cryptographic market. What we care about is software speed.'' XBits: ``This cipher relies heavily on bit twiddling. It is too slow for software applications.'' YBits: ``Anyone who really cares about speed will use dedicated hardware. We don't care about software speed.'' XFlimsy: ``This cipher is easily breakable, and here's how.'' YFlimsy: ``Whoops.''